Are 30A Beaches Private or Public?
Test - Rent30A Rent30A • July 25, 2019
You may have heard about the disputes between beachfront homeowners and "Customary Use" of what is considered public and private property. House Bill 631 has raised a lot of confusion and as a result, areas of the beach had ropes or signs to indicate trespassing creating a literal line in the sand. Some property owners have even called law enforcement to remove the general public from setting up in front of their homes.
Planning a trip to the beach SHOULD mean that you actually get to GO to the beach.
So here are the facts. Regardless of what beach you're on, you're able to use up-to the "Mean High Water Line". However, for the everyday visitor, it may be difficult to determine what that even means.
To make it easier, when it comes to where you can set up to enjoy and soak up the sun, here is a link that shows the public beach accesses in South Walton. In a last-minute situation, you can also contact the sheriff's department for sure-fire clarification.
If you're debating on a rental home and concerned with beach accesses, we are always here to help. A quick phone call to your property manager can help determine which beach access is either allocated or best suited for your top-tier vacation experience.
Have questions? Let us know by contacting us at Info@Rent30A.com!