When to book your 30A trip
Field Williams • July 18, 2018
How early do I need to book my house for my 30A trip?
We get this question a lot! Typically people fall into one of three camps.
1.) “No Way I’m missing Out” - You’ve had a week of crystal clear water, sunny skies, and incredible meals. Your family actually got along for the most part this week. You’re thinking when is the next time we will all be together? Then it hits… “That’s it! I’m booking this same trip next year.” If you are not this person, you would be shocked how many people don’t leave 30A without their next stay already booked. We see this a lot with the beachfront properties and any property that feels special or has unique amenities.
2) “Is it Summer Yet?” - Christmas is over, its 27 degrees outside, what can I look forward to now? Boom! Spring Break or Summer trip to the Emerald Coast! This person spends up to two weeks doing research for the perfect place, trying to make a decision. Finally they find one and—oh no! It got booked yesterday…So of course they frantically book the next available house they see.
3) “Wait, we don’t have anything on the calendar this weekend” - It’s Tuesday and you just found out your brother-in-law actually isn’t coming with his 7 kids to stay at your house and jam up your weekend routine. Then—light bulb! We can jump in the car and hit the beach this weekend for a romantic getaway or spontaneous trip the kids will never forget. You start blasting requests to any rental home you can find that has any kind of gap in the calendar.
If fall you into one of these categories or anywhere in between then I’ve got good news…Rent 30A can help! How? It’s as simple as this:
- ZERO bookings fees. The same property on a competing site (here’s a letter jumble hint: ROVB) will cost 5-20% more for no reason
- The best selection on one site (we work with the major property managers along 30A)
- HUMANS! We can help and we are local. Call us, chat us, email us with your questions, concerns, or criteria and we will do the searching for you.
- Book early. This isn’t a sales pitch, it’s just that simple. The earlier you book the more options you have.
- If you are going to book late…use us. When a property manager needs to fill a gap, they let us know. Sometimes it hasn’t even hit the web yet.
- GEAR - The most overlooked part of the trip. If you are trying to book 7 bikes on the Saturday before July 4th… good luck. Rent early with Live Well 30A and leave all the risk/anxiety behind. Show up to a fully stocked fridge, with bikes in the rack, and stand up paddle boards under the house.
Check us out, we are here to help.