Trip Tip: 30A Grocery Delivery
Test - Rent30A Rent30A • December 30, 2020
Trip Tip: 30A Grocery Delivery
This trip tip may be more obvious to seasoned 30A vets, but we figure it's one of the most important things to consider when planning your visit.
From the moment you clock out the day before your visit to 30A, to the second you check out to head back home, your vacation time is precious. Whether you're staying for 3 days or 2 weeks every hour is critical, and in our opinion, should be spent making memories with your family!
Of course, while you're here you may intend to enjoy the cultural splendors of paradise by experiencing our many fine restaurant establishments. If that's more your thing, check out this list of Where To Eat On 30A.
If however, you intend to "pop" by the grocery store when you get here, you should know that grocery store lines during peak season can truly be likened to awaiting the joy of your favorite Magic Kingdom ride for up to three, maybe four hours. This of course includes the time spent driving to the store, finding a place to park, shuffling through the aisles and the inevitable waiting in lines of amusement park proportions.
Having your groceries delivered is the "fast-pass," to meeting all your preferred eats at your home-away-from-home.
Who delivers groceries on 30A?
Our friends at Live Well can help with anything you could possibly need while on 30A, grocery delivery included. Provide your shopping list, the date you need your delivery, and the location we should deliver to. If authorized, we can even put the groceries away for you so that literally all you have to do is...nothing!
Here's the rate:
- $50/hr - typical order takes 2-3 hrs.
- Cost of groceries and tax
- Suggested Gratuity, 20% of hourly rate
Please give at least 72 hours notice prior to your preferred delivery date.
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